Gerber Files

By clicking on one of the following headings all EAGLE files are downloaded to your DOWNLOAD folder on your PC. There is a problem with Windows downloading .zip files. A message will appear in the top right-hand corner –

“ can’t be downloaded securely” …

Click on the “…” and select “keep”. After this you get another warning displayed. Then click on “Keep anyway” and the .zip file will be deposited in your “download” folder. You can email this .zip file to any PC board manufacturer of your choice and they will be able to make the boards

Note from Chris Fletcher

These boards are working on the “Preiten Bahn” I take NO RESPONSIBILITY for them working elsewhere!

….. DCC Mini Booster V3 . (6cm x 12 cm)

….. Island Relays , (10cm x 16 cm)

….. Track Connect Board (9cm x 16cm)

….. BDL 168 Connect Board (7.2 cm x 16.8 cm)

….. 2-Aspect_Signal_Interface (8cm x 4cm)

….. 4-Aspect_Signal_Interface (8cm x 4cm)

….. Advance_Signal (Vr) Interface (8cm x 4cm)

….. Signal Adaptor Board (4cm x 7cm)

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